Combine to Page Spreads
This program takes a directory of individual book scans and combines them into page spreads. Page spreads present the data in the book's intended page spread format.
Python (with os module), ImageMagick
import os
directory = "#DIRECTORY_OF_PHOTOS#"
data_type = "#DATA_TYPE#" #The type of images you are combining (scrapbook, yearbook, etc.)
year = "#YEAR#" #This will be included in every filename and helps identitify the exact data source - if this is a yearbook, include the yearbook date or number
# Sorts images in the directory to ensure they are combined in the right order.
files = os.listdir(directory)
def getint(name):
if year in str(name) and "COVER" not in str(name) and "BACK" not in str(name):
if "start" in str(name):
num_start = str(name).find("_") + len("_")
temp_num = name[num_start:]
num_end = temp_num.find("_")
num = (temp_num[:num_end])
num_start = str(name).find("_") + len("_")
temp_num = name[num_start:]
num_end = temp_num.find(".")
num = (temp_num[:num_end])
num = 0
return int(num)
files = sorted(files, key=getint)
# Combines the images into page spreads with descriptive filenames. This might take some time to render.
def combine (left, right, page_count_1, page_count_2):
print(left, right, page_count_1, page_count_2)
bashCommand = "convert +append " + str(left) + " " + str(right) + " " + str(year) + "_"+ data_type + "_" + str(page_count_1) + "+" + str(page_count_2) + ".jpeg"
# The program starts here. It iterates though each file in the directory (except for the COVER and BACK) and runs the combine function every two pages.
combine_count = 0. )
page_count_1 = 0
page_count_2 = 0
left = ""
right = ""
start = False
for file in files:
if ".jpeg" in str(file) and "COVER" not in str(file) and "BACK" not in str(file):
if "start" in str(file):
page_count_1 = 0
page_count_2 = 0
start = True
if start != True:
file_path = directory + "/" + str(file)
combine_count += 1
if combine_count == 1:
left = str(file_path)
page_count_1 -= 1
page_count_2 -= 1
elif combine_count == 2:
combine_count = 0
right = str(file_path)
page_count_2 -= 1
combine(left, right, page_count_1, page_count_2)
page_count_1 -= 1
if start == True:
file_path = directory + "/" + str(file)
combine_count += 1
if combine_count == 1:
left = str(file_path)
page_count_1 += 1
page_count_2 += 1
elif combine_count == 2:
combine_count = 0
right = str(file_path)
page_count_2 += 1
combine(left, right, page_count_1, page_count_2)
page_count_1 += 1
print('\33[101m' + "*****ERROR*****" + '\x1b[0m')